I'm thinking about the kids that have played and lasted 4 years with me (or longer). It is a GRIND. I can't think of a player that I haven't been extremely mad or frustrated with at some point...and I am sure that is a two way street. I can be sarcastic too often, I can call you out in practice when you don't want the attention, and I can demand perfection when it doesn't seem attainable. I know these things can be difficult but it was the way I was brought up and it is the way I know how to coach. I also believe that it is the best way to prepare you for the real thing. If you don't go through it in practice how are you going to react in a game? In life? So I accept when players are mad at me...and some times I get them there on purpose. If it gets them ready for the real thing I will take it!.
What I have realized as a coach, and I hope my players have also realized is that if you are willing to fight through the grind it is worth it in the end. You accomplish something that you know you worked for. You fight in games that you have no business competing in. You become something bigger than yourself. And you and I can look each other in the eyes and know we are ready to go to battle together. There is nothing that gets me more fired up than looking a player in the eyes and just knowing that its game time. I know I can do that with someone that has been through the hard part already.
The moral of the story here is - if you put in the work it is worth it. You won't always like it...and you won't always like me. But at the end of the day you are going to accomplish something. You are going to be depended on and you are going to be able to handle it. As frustrating as it can be sometimes it is worth it. And what I can promise you is that you will have nothing but unconditional love and appreciation from me forever. I appreciate you all, you are the reason that I do this.
Let's go win #1 on Monday for all of you that have been through THE GRIND!