Captain Selection
Our Captain Selection Process
Beginning with the 2016-2017 season we will be following a more consistent approach to determining team captains for each season. The approach is meant to give our girls transparency into what is expected of a captain and some insight into what it takes to earn the role of captain. Please see below for our approach and timeline:
1. April - November: Any one interested in being a captain should look at the example 'Captain Application' below. This is not an application that actually need to be filled out but it is a good representation of what a captain should be able to confidently fill out if they are going to lead the team. If any player has questions about this they are encouraged to reach out to Coach Zullo to discuss anytime.
2. First Week of the Season: Once tryouts are complete and team selections have been made, all varsity team members will fill out an anonymous captains survey (see bottom of the page for the actual survey)
3. Prior to the First Game: Team captain selections will be communicated
The coaching staff will use a combination of the play interest, peer feedback and prior leadership demonstrated to make decisions on team captains. These factors will all be taken into consideration during the process. Ultimately it is at the discretion of the coaching staff to choose the team captains. Results captain survey will not be made available to anyone other than the coaching staff and school administration.
A few important notes about what captains are/are not:
10 Non-Negotiables for Becoming a Team Captain
When naming team captains we look for a player that:
EXAMPLE ONLY - Captain Job Posting/Application
All players interested in being a team captain should look at the example 'Captain Application' below to understand what the expectations and responsibilities are of a team captain. This application doesn't actually need to be filled out and submitted.
Beginning with the 2016-2017 season we will be following a more consistent approach to determining team captains for each season. The approach is meant to give our girls transparency into what is expected of a captain and some insight into what it takes to earn the role of captain. Please see below for our approach and timeline:
1. April - November: Any one interested in being a captain should look at the example 'Captain Application' below. This is not an application that actually need to be filled out but it is a good representation of what a captain should be able to confidently fill out if they are going to lead the team. If any player has questions about this they are encouraged to reach out to Coach Zullo to discuss anytime.
2. First Week of the Season: Once tryouts are complete and team selections have been made, all varsity team members will fill out an anonymous captains survey (see bottom of the page for the actual survey)
3. Prior to the First Game: Team captain selections will be communicated
The coaching staff will use a combination of the play interest, peer feedback and prior leadership demonstrated to make decisions on team captains. These factors will all be taken into consideration during the process. Ultimately it is at the discretion of the coaching staff to choose the team captains. Results captain survey will not be made available to anyone other than the coaching staff and school administration.
A few important notes about what captains are/are not:
- Being a senior does not automatically mean you are a team captain
- Being the most talented player does not automatically mean you are a team captain
- Not being a captain is OK! Being a captain has additional expectations and responsibilities that some players may not want to take on and that is OK.
- There is no minimum or maximum amount of captain's a team needs to have. There will be years where there might not be a captain. There will be years where there are 4 or 5 captains.
- You can be a leader without being a team captain. This is a good way to show potential for being a captain in the future! Good leaders must demonstrate leadership before becoming a captain.
10 Non-Negotiables for Becoming a Team Captain
When naming team captains we look for a player that:
- Has the desire to lead
- Is respected by her peers
- Has demonstrated prior leadership
- Is coachable
- Works as hard as anyone everyday
- Is vocal
- Is 100% bought into the program/fully supports coaching decisions
- Is not afraid of the big moment
- Represents the basketball program, the school and the community
- Is willing to communicate with the head coach on a daily basis
EXAMPLE ONLY - Captain Job Posting/Application
All players interested in being a team captain should look at the example 'Captain Application' below to understand what the expectations and responsibilities are of a team captain. This application doesn't actually need to be filled out and submitted.
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Team Captain Survey
All varsity players will be asked to fill out the following leadership questionnaire about the team following tryouts. This will be one of the factors taken into account when deciding on captains.
All varsity players will be asked to fill out the following leadership questionnaire about the team following tryouts. This will be one of the factors taken into account when deciding on captains.